About this website
No punches pulled here...
How is this site different?
Unlike the many great and informative cancer websites out there which offer incredible insights, invaluable information and just a ton of helplines to call to discuss your cancer, this site has been created by someone (me) living with the unwanted effects of stage 3 bowel cancer (the UK's most embarrassing cancer).
It uses (dark) humour which sometimes helps breakdown those embarrassing barriers, and asks hard questions that many sites skirt around, or avoid completely.
This site is not a charity, it does not ask for or need your money to keep going, and it just does not give a shit about being politically correct (bowel cancer humour).
If you find some content offensive, then just bloody get over it...
I'd rather you were offended (at least it shows you have read the content) than have to sit in front of your oncologist and be told "I wish you had contacted me sooner as I'm so sorry to tell you we have found a cancer".
This site also attempts to aggregate cancer-related information from all those (great) websites to help you save time and effort by avoiding having to sift through hundreds and thousands of google cancer related search hits [other search engines are available].
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What a great website. Bags of information and some insights not typically found on the more traditional cancer sites. Some of the dark humour is a bit close to the mark, but it gets the message across very well.